I know what you may be thinking, you’re thinking, this guy is going to write another article supporting President Trump, well you’re wrong! This article really is not centered on Donald Trump, nor really even Christian persecution. Rather, my topic is centered on pastors, preachers, leaders in the professing church.[1]

There is without a doubt, a great many problems within Christendom as a whole. First though, let me establish what I mean by Christendom.

Christendom is the overall complete terminology and ideology of what is labeled “Christian” or thought to be Christian by the general whole of society. I say this because the general public around the world has a very skewed view of what true and biblical Christianity really is, because most of what we see, hear and read about is not truly Christian. There are many false shadows and frontal illusions posing to be Christian, whether because of a root of pride and selfish gain, or because of complete ignorance, non-the-less, “Ichabod” has been tattooed all over that which is labeled Christian. With such deceptions more than rampant in every area of “Christian labels,” it is no shock to see how Christianity is viewed so completely wrong.

What I find so completely amazing, and maybe I should not be so amazed, is that pastors and preachers, generally speaking, overall lack in teaching and speaking about Christians being persecuted. I have seen more about persecution on the news, and most of this has been greatly reduced to nothing, than preparations for the coming persecution and that of our suffering brothers and sisters around the world. Even with the recent videos of horrible persecution  has seemed to have no effect on Christendom and the great majority of professing Christians in the affluent cultures. Little to no intercessory prayer meetings, little concern, and little to no preaching from the pulpit.

As many of you already know, President Trump has seemed to advocate the support of persecuted Christians.  Trump said this at a recent CBN interview when asked about helping Christians who are being persecuted,

“Yes.  Yes, they’ve been horribly treated.  If you were a Christian in Syria it was impossible, or at least very, very tough, to get into the United States.  If you were a Muslim you could come in, but if you were a Christian, it was almost impossible and the reason that was so unfair — everybody was persecuted, in all fairness — but they were chopping off the heads of everybody but more so the Christians. And I thought it was very, very unfair. So we are going to help them.”[2]

Of course, we shall see what will happen.

But the thought comes to mind, ought we not, by “we” I mean, church leaders, pastors, and preachers throughout Christendom, should we not feel ashamed? Should we not seriously introspect asking the question, why have we failed to preach and teach about persecution? I mean, how can this be? I know that I was only pulled from Satan’s grips and saved by the powerful true grace of God only about 16 years ago, but I have been advocating, as my small platform of life allows, for the persecuted and warning about a continuous rise of persecution since I was converted.

Well, I want to offer up two very possible causes of this.

First, I believe we have allowed for a very loose and very rampant influx of pastors and leaders who have never been born again.

Now before you wrongly use the Scripture, “judge not lest you be judged,”[3] let me remind you, Jesus clearly taught that we would “know them by their fruit.”[4] And let me say this, the fruit that is being displayed is absolutely appalling and very much ungodly. Jesus also clearly warned us, rather prophesied, about those who believe they are his followers and will be told, “be away from Me.” (Matthew 7:21-23; also see John 2:23-25)

I want show you a few statistics that I reprinted in my book, Realities of a True Christian.

“Here is a report of a survey of 10,000 Protestant ministers conducted by Sociologist Jeffrey Hadden; 7,441 responded to the questions. Here are the horrifying statistics. Read them, then wonder why God is grieved with our spiritual life. (I am indebted to Christ for the Nations, May 1982, for this information.)”[5]

Bible—inspired Word of God?

82% of Methodists said “No”

81% of Presbyterians said “No”

89% of Episcopals said “No”

57% of American Lutherans said “No”

Jesus the Son of God?

82% of Methodists said “No”

81% of Presbyterians said “No”

89% of Episcopals said “No”

75% of American Lutherans said “No”

Physical resurrection of Jesus?

51% of Methodists said “No”

35% of Presbyterians said “No”

30% of Episcopals said “No”

33% of Baptists said “No”

13% of American Lutherans said “No”

Any wonder why we are in the shape we are? Remember, this was first published in 1982!

Second, I believe, that if persecution were to be taught in a great majority of professing churches, their theology would have to be completely discarded for the dirty rags they are.

You see persecution, and those being persecuted, are a direct dichotomy to much of North American Christendom. Why? Well simple. For we are promised, “if they hated Me, they will hate you.” We are promised again, “Indeed all who desires to be godly will be persecuted.” Let me ask, how does the promise of persecution mix with the watered-down, self-centered, entertainment-seeking, emotionally-sensitive professing churches in Christendom today?

If many pastors and preachers were to start preaching about “denying themselves” and you “will be persecuted,” then they would have to repent of their selfish motivations and blatantly wrong teachings about this being your best life now and 5 steps to a happier you and so on.

So very rarely do we hear about the depravity of man, the wretchedness of our sin, the absolute need to be born again, the call to repentance and cutting away from living by self-help, the true grace of God,[6] and the list goes on.

Now, don’t get me wrong, there are many who do preach such things. But let me tell you, they are relatively speaking, few; and fewer yet those who have any true power and conviction of the Spirit of God in the conversion of men and women. But God, in spite of such, is still saving, whether we are obedient or not.

My overall point here is this: Should we not be concerned why it took our President to speak up for the persecuted before we were willing to speak up. Shall we trust Him to carry out what we, the professing Church, ought to be doing?

I have to say, if we are not moved to conviction, tears, intercessory prayer (not just occasional thoughts or prayer for the sake of self), speaking up for truth, and doing the work of the ministry (either going ourselves or supporting those who go), we truly need to heed what the Apostle Paul challenged the church at Corinth, “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? – unless indeed you fail to meet the test.[7]

Maybe indeed, we are the generation, and individuals specifically, that Jesus is speaking to – “be away from Me![8]

Friends, dark days are coming, but for those who know their God, I mean really know Him, there is hope!

Let us suffer and advance.

[1] By professing church, I mean the totality of those who claim to be Christians, but in reality, very well may not be.

[2] http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/265670/trump-helps-persecuted-christians-and-protects-raymond-ibrahim

[3] Matthew 7:1

[4] Matthew 7:15-20

[5] Revival God’s Way, pg 145, Leonard Ravenhill, Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 1983, used by permission

[6] Titus 2:11-14

[7] 2 Corinthians 13:5

[8] Matthew 7:21-23

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