In the providence of God, I sit here 247 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence (1776) thinking about God’s hand upon the people prior to constitutional formation, the independence from Great Britain, and the establishing of a new nation of peoples. If you really take the time to read and think about it all, it is quite humbling to take it all in and realize the tremendous privilege, grace and mercies upon which we have been given.

Over the course of the last 22 years, I have been studying the history of the Great Awakening and many of the people used of God for this purpose.  In such a time and movement, you cannot leave out the context and political scene of the day, nor forget that nearly all technologies we have today were absent at this time. Hundreds, if not thousands, of men and women we will never know about, however, some very prominent people have been recorded, in various degrees. In those early days of the 1700’s there are without argument people who have been greatly used of God, such as: George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, David Brainerd, the Tennent family (especially lesser written about William Tennent Sr.), and etc.

This week of July 4th I have been reading Loy Brunson’s booklet (direct order here | current court case) and full reprinting of the original Declaration of Independence and Constitution. I have been reading this very carefully, with pen in hand, looking back through to see God’s hand of involvement and just how badly we have violated many of our constitutional rights.

In this, something very interesting has grabbed my attention. It is amazing to see how many of the Signers (founding fathers) of the Declaration of Independence were affected by George Whitefield and the Great Awakening. Although I have not yet completed a full study of each Signer in detail, it seems that many, if not more or all, were very affected by Whitefield and the 50-60 years leading up to 1776. There are comments, letters, and more, from many of the Signers regarding Whitefield and the effect of his preaching upon themselves and the people of the Colonies.

This led me to consider, not only past history, but of myself and our current political scene. I must have asked myself many hundreds of times, especially these last 3 years, what can I do to be a help? What shall I do? Will I do anything? And in God’s providence, specifically in my own life, I know that I can only do what I am able and where the Lord has placed me. However, shall I do that which is in my abilities? Shall I actually do something or even anything regardless of how ‘big’ or ‘small’ it may compare it to another?

Ultimately, it is not in comparison to another’s work, ability, or even status, but I must obey even in private, for I will stand before the King of kings and Lord of lords and give my account – and this day could come sooner or later – but will come for each and every one of us. This comparison also stands, especially for me as I am a professing Christian, against the Word of Almighty God, for His will, His commands, His purposes for my life are so very clear.

And what is it I (we) can do? Should it not be to seek the Lord God in greater and greater measures, humble ourselves, and see the truths of our nation like Nehemiah in his day, respond in genuine repentance and prayer, and then actually work in the areas and ways to which our God has given us grace? O’ where are the tears and prayer?

O’ that we would be men and women who would be moved of God in the heart, respond by turning away from the guiding (and blinding) opinions of propaganda, stop playing foolish games and wasting endless hours of numbing entertainments, develop a life of prayer and then get to work. If we spent even a fraction of our time complaining and giving our opinions and turn this into diligent prayer, study of the Scriptures, and considering others better than ourselves, we would actually be able to make an impact in the lives of those in our world. If we would put away the need to be ‘noticed’, ‘popular’, ‘viral’, then maybe we could see that we all are struggling to live out this life, searching eternal truth, and in great need of hope.

It is my hope and prayer that this year, we would humble ourselves and truly, in reality, thank God – I mean deeply and with impact upon the heart, mind, soul and strength – to see God’s reality, working, and providence in our lives.

If you abide in My Word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Jesus the Christ

By the way, be sure to go see the new movie – SOUND OF FREEDOM with debut’s today!

Peace and blessings,

Other means of grace and helps during times of trials and sufferings

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2 responses to “Providence | Happy July 4th”

  1. JoEllen Krueger Avatar
    JoEllen Krueger

    Totally agree with you 🙏🏻

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone


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