Weapons of Our Warfare

A brief exhortation for the church as to the God ordained means in the fight against spiritual and physical principalities for the ages.

By Jeremy B. Strang | Foreword by Pastor Brad Pittman

Give me a candle and a Bible and shut me up in a dark dungeon, and I will tell you everything that the whole world is doing.”

J.C. Ryle

Reference Links

Autobiography of George Müller

Christian in Complete Armour | William Gurnall

Desiring God | John Piper

MORE Means of grace regarding PRAYER

Activity with God is not a substitute for walking with God.”

Brad Pittman

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.”

2nd Corinthians 10:3, 4

We are privileged, by God’s providence, to live in such a time as this. However, many people cannot help but to feel hopeless. They are overwhelmed by so much darkness, consumed by competing voices, and taken captive near the point of spiritual paralysis. They ask, “How can we be more than conquerors, victorious in spiritual battles and strongholds of various kinds? How can we make a stance? How do we live our faith with power when God seems so distant?”

Greg Gordon, Founder of SermonIndex.net

There is little doubt that I need to tell you that evil seems to have tightened its grip on the world. If you have an eye to see, an ear to hear, and beating heart, you sense dark forces rising in all aspects of life. Although, it must be said, this should not consume our thoughts and distract our focus, yet we seem content with secondaries, trivial entertainments, ignorance, and the inability to assert critical thinking.

Our purpose on earth is for a much higher calling, mainly, to honor, worship, and glorify the one true God by looking unto Him and willfully drawing near in authentic prayer and right worship. For this reason, this book is intended to exhort the reader to draw their strength in the Lord and His might, to take up the sword of the Spirit, and humbly draw near Him in prayer. In this way, we bring honor and glory to His mighty name. “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.”

May you be strengthened in the Lord and the power of His might, and may God almighty be glorified through His people, both in our age and the ages to come. Amen.

Jeremy B. Strang is simply a Christian, husband, father, and author.

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My Story of God’s Grace

George Müller as a means of grace

George Müller Documentary

I have never met an old saint who regretted having spent too much time in prayer, but I have met many who regretted having spent too little!

Paul Washer


Pg. 102 – the end of Thomas Brooks quote reads, “…God loves a broken and a contrite heart, so he loves a divided heart...” This should read, “…God loves a broken and a contrite heart, so he loathes a divided heart...”